Jewelry Group Guidelines
Please contact the Jewelry C0-chairperson if you are interested in joining the Jewelry Group. Their contact info may be found in your membership booklet. The Jewelry group is not Juried, but sometimes there may be a wait due to limited shelf space. Please read the guidelines below to know the requirements of being a Jewelry Group member.
The jewelry is changed at the same time that the paintings in the gallery are changed. There are seven shows per year. The registration fee per show is $10 and each jewelry artist is required to enter one item for judging and gallery sit one time per show.
Welcome to the SCAA Gallery Jewelry Group!
Here are the details you need to know:
- Reserving Space
The gallery show schedule is listed in the SCAA membership booklet. The Jewelry Chairman will contact you by email the week before a show ends and ask you to let her know if you plan to participate in the next show. The Chairman will then assign the shelves to those who are participating and send the shelf assignments out via email a few days before the show.
The cost per show is $10. The fee entitles you to one shelf to display your jewelry on. If additional shelves are available, they will be divided among the artists who would like additional space.
- Price Tags
All price tags must be typed with your name, the price for the piece and any description you want to provide. Attach your price tags to the jewelry in a place where it will show when the jewelry is displayed. Tags should be no larger than 2 x 2 inches.
When determining your prices, keep in mind that tax and commission are included. The gallery will subtract the current tax rate first and then take 20% of the remainder as commission. At 7.75% tax, you will receive 74% of the amount the piece sold for.
- Shelf Space and Displays
Each artist will be assigned one 14 x 12 inch shelf space. There are twelve shelves in the gallery and we do not have more than 12 jewelry artists at any one time. If less than 12 artists display during a given show, the remaining shelves will be shared with all the artists.
Jewelry displays are your responsibility. They must be clear, white or black. Make sure they are clearly marked with your name. Be aware that displays have in the past “disappeared,” so we recommend using lower cost displays. When an item is sold, the jewelry displays are removed and put in the cabinet below the CD player.
- Bags and Boxes
Bags are provided by the SCAA for jewelry purchases, but if you wish to provide your own boxes or bags you may bring some in and leave them in the lower left hand desk drawer. Please clearly mark them with your name. While we hope that they will be used for your jewelry sales only, we cannot guarantee it.
- Judged Shows
Currently our jewelry is judged in all of the shows, with the exception of Paint San Clemente when the jewelry is not judged. For all judged shows, choose one of your items to be judged. Provide a short, typed description of the piece on a white card no larger than 3 x 5 inches. Do not put your name or the price on this card. A tent card is acceptable. The Chairman will enter the item into the show without your name on it. There will be one judge who will judge our jewelry, using the guidelines we provide, to choose first and second prize winners. Winners will be announced at that show’s reception, which is the Sunday of the opening at 2 PM. First prize is $30 and second prize is $20. All jewelry artists are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend, please let someone else know so that they can pick up your award if you win.
- Guidelines
We are looking for high quality handcrafted jewelry, so please bring us your best work. Please refer to the SCAA Jewelry Judging Guidelines document (Appendix I). We have outlined what the judges are looking for, but it can also be used as a guideline for what to display in our gallery. Things should be well constructed, well designed and attractive to customers. The better the jewelry, the more we sell, and the happier we all will be!
At the end of each show, all the jewelry you submitted for that show will be removed from the cases and you may put new items in on your assigned shelf for the next show. Unsold pieces may be displayed again, but not at a consecutive show.
- Jewelry Group Meetings and Special shows
The jewelry group meets from 1 – 2:30 pm on the Friday before each new show to change the jewelry in the cases and go over any news or decisions that need to be made by the group. If the group wants to host extra jewelry shows in the gallery, the dates and plans for those shows are discussed at the meetings. The dates are listed in the SCAA Membership Directory under Gallery Shows as the Pick-up Work day.
Please arrive at 1 pm, have your jewelry priced and your inventory sheets near completion. Check your email to know what shelf or shelves have been assigned to you. You will be responsible for cleaning the shelves and displaying your own jewelry.
- Gallery Sitting
Each jewelry artist is required to sit in the gallery one time per show. Please sign up to sit when you leave your jewelry for a new show.
Sometimes more gallery help is needed and extra sitting is appreciated by the association. If you sit an extra time, you may bring in a few pieces of your jewelry to show in the gallery during that extra sitting.
- Original and Hand Crafted
All jewelry displayed in the gallery, must be handcrafted by the Artist. The pieces must be an original design or if done in a class, the piece must have significant changes made to the original pattern/design, including bead size or color. The piece shall be handcrafted by the Artist without the guidance or input by the classroom teacher.
Handmade or bought components may be used in a piece, if assembled by the jewelry Artist to make an original piece. Handmade components should be identified to give credit to the Artist-if known. Examples would be hand-cut stones, handmade beads etc.
For any disputes or inquiries about a piece(s), the following procedures should be used:
Resolution Procedure
Advise the Gallery Chairperson of the reason you are questioning the piece.
The Gallery Chairperson shall decide whether or not to go to the Jewelry Chairperson, the Association President or some other qualified person to assist in the inquiry.
The Gallery Chairperson shall meet/talk with the Artist and a final determination shall be made.
If it is determined that the piece does not follow the guidelines, disciplinary action shall be as follows:
First time offenders shall have the piece removed from the case.
Second time, the Artist shall be fined $10 and all pieces will be removed from the Gallery.
Third time, the Artist shall receive disciplinary action as determined by the Gallery Chairperson.
Revised June 1, 2019